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Flight Test Engineering

Flight Test Engineering

The IIAS  Professional Certificate in Flight Test Engineering was designed to offer a high-value certification for students interested in the profession of a test pilot or as a flight test engineer. Assembled in collaboration with the National Research Council of Canada’s Flight Research Laboratory, the IIAS Flight Test Engineering program combines expert instruction with a variety of diverse yet economical aircraft that have been modified to provide the student real-time data of flying qualities including data from an Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS), pitot-static information, G-loading, and ambient atmosphere information, engine qualities including RPM, Manifold pressure, and cylinder pressures and temperatures. Aircraft are further configured for demonstrations of control surface deflection, control force, flow visualization leading to and into stall, and spin recovery qualities.

IIAS maintains four aircraft in support of the Flight Test Engineering program: A Turbo Mooney M20K and a Twin-Engine Cessna 310 for performance and stability and control testing, an Extra 300L for stall and spin test demonstrations, and a Marchetti S-211 for demonstrating high-performance procedures in a turbine-engine, swept wing aircraft.

NRC Centered

National Research Council of Canada

IIAS Flight Test Engineering curriculum is co-developed with flight test engineers and test pilots who work with the National Research Council (NRC) of Canada Flight Research Laboratory. NRC has collaborated with IIAS and Integrated Spaceflight Services for research-related activities since 2015.

Our Aircraft


Mooney M20K Turbo


Cessna Twin 310


Extra 300L


Marchetti S.211

Areas of Study

Evaluating Performance in Fixed-Wing Aircraft

IIAS provides comprehensive courses on flight test engineering methods using a variety of aircraft to educate the student on methods and techniques of evaluating the performance characteristics of fixed-wing aircraft. Tests include pitot-static testing, level and turning flight performance, takeoff and landing theory and test methods, climb performance, range and endurance evaluation, and excess power flight testing High performance jet testing is also available using Marchetti S211 jet aircraft.

Evaluating Stability and Control in Fixed-Wing Aircraft

IIAS also provides instruction on methods and techniques of evaluating the stability and control characteristics of fixed-wing aircraft which includes characterization of long-period and short-period oscillations in pitch and roll/yaw along with the characterization of the associated stability. Tests include static and dynamic longitudinal stability, lateral-directional stability and control, lateral control and roll performance, directional control, stall and spin characteristics. Twin-engine aircraft are used to determine the minimum-controllable airspeed in engine-out scenarios.

The Professional Certificate in Flight Test Engineering

The IIAS Professional Credential in Flight Test Engineering is a 16-credit certification designed for the student or professional interested in a career in aircraft test and evaluation. Upon completion of the prescribed courses, the candidate should petition for graduation through the link below.

Requirements for the IIAS Flight Test Engineering Certificate

FTE 101Fundamentals of Flight Test Engineering3
FTE 102Fixed-Wing Performance Flight Testing2
FTE 103Fixed-Wing Stability and Control Flight Testing2
FTE 104Rotor-Wing Flight Testing3
AST 102Fundamentals of Microgravity Science3
select one of:
OPS 104Orbital Mechanics and Mission Simulation3
BIO 101Spaceflight Physiology3

Register for Flight Test Engineering Course Here:

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